calf reduction in IslamabadMany people have extra fats on their calves, and they want to get rid of them to get thin and shapely calves. Surgical and non-surgical methods can do it. Calf reduction In Islamabad will help you get sleeker, slimmer, and attractive calves, which many people dream of. This treatment will remove all the unwanted fat which cannot be removed by exercise or diet. The demand for this treatment is increasing day by day.

Calf Reduction Surgery:

The calf reduction procedure is done surgically and non-surgically to improve the appearance of the calves. It improves the lower body aesthetics. In this treatment, gastrocnemius soleus muscles are targeted to contour the lower legs. Men and women can both get this treatment. Usually, women prefer calf reduction treatment to get slimmer legs.  

Ideal Candidates for Calf Reduction:

You are  ideal candidate for calf reduction if:

  • You are overall healthy.
  • You want to reshape your legs.
  • You are above 18.
  • You have extra fats in your lower legs.
  • You are conscious about your calves’ muscles.
  • You want thinner and symmetrical legs.
  • You are suffering from severe calf hypertrophy.

Techniques Used For Calf Reduction:

Different surgical and non-surgical treatments are used for calf reduction in Islamabad. The treatment method is decided by the doctor depending upon your desired results. Below are some procedures to reduce the calves.

  • Botox Injections

It is a non-surgical treatment. Botox injections are injected directly into the calf muscles to deactivate them and get well-defined and smoother calves muscle. Your daily activities will not be affected after botox injections. Botox injections will gradually decrease the size of calf muscles. You may need Botox treatment every 4 to 5 months to maintain the results.

  • Calf Reduction By Liposuction

Liposuction is best if you have excessive fats but not excessive muscles. A laser device breaks the extra fats in liposuction and then extracts them. You will start seeing the results of liposuction after two weeks. Liposuction sculpts and contours the calves muscles. You will get thinner and firmer calves in no time.

  • Radio Frequency

Radiofrequency treats the gastrocnemius muscles; this muscle plays a significant role in defining the shape of the calves. The radiofrequency is used to get slender legs. Our doctors will eliminate excess fats from the lower legs by using radiofrequency treatment. This treatment is not suitable for people who are allergic to artificial rays or have thin skin. 

  • Partial Muscle Removal

This procedure is also known as muscle resection. The lower legs muscles are removed during this procedure, giving you naturally contoured legs. The results of muscle resection are dramatic and permanent. Partial muscle removal will result in minor scarring, which will fade away with time.

  • Selective Neurectomy

It is a surgical procedure that is minimally invasive. This procedure is done under local anesthesia, and then the selective nerves are blocked. When calve muscles receive fewer signals, it will automatically reduce the size of the calves. You can see the results of this technique after a year. 

Recovery After Calf Reduction

The recovery time depends upon the method used for calf reduction. The recovery may take about a week in the surgical procedure, and in the non-surgical procedure, the recovery period is rapid. If you want fast recovery, then follow all the instructions given by your doctor.

At the start, you may feel pain in your thighs. For this purpose, use cold compression or pain killers. Doctors also advise the patients to do stretching exercises after six weeks of treatment. It will also aid in achieving the desired results.

How Long Results Of Calf Reduction Lasts?

The calves muscles will become smoother and tighten after a few weeks of calf reduction treatment. The results of calf reduction can be seen after the swelling has gone. You will get slimmer calves. Your calves size will be reduced by about 3 to 7 cm. If you want long-lasting results, do calf exercises and maintain a healthy diet. Results of Calf reduction vary from person to person.

Benefits Of Calf Reduction:

Calf reduction can serve you many benefits. such as :

  • It will boost your self-esteem.
  • You can wear any dress according to your choice.
  • You will get slimmer and contoured legs.
  • This treatment has fewer side effects and complications.
  • No or little scarring.
  • Less downtime than other surgical procedures.

Risks Of Calf Reduction Procedure

Some risks are also associated with the calf reduction procedure. such as :

  • Pigmentation issues
  • Blood clots
  • Scarring
  • swelling
  • Tiredness while performing the daily activity.
  • Localized hematoma
  • Poor healing

But all these risks can be avoided by selecting an expert surgeon in Islamabad. Our doctor will have a consultation meeting with you to determine which technique is suitable for calf reduction. If you see any of the above problems, there is no need to worry. These are timely risks and will go away with time.

Cost Of Calf Reduction:

The cost of calf reduction in Islamabad depends upon many factors. Such as the patient’s health, surgeon fees, clinic location, and no sessions required to get the desired results.

Why Choose Us?

Are you not happy with the shape of your legs? Now, calf reduction at Estheticare is here for the rescue. We have the best expert surgeons who will help you get more contoured and slim legs.